
Where can I search for someone who live in Mexico for free!!!?

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He lives in Mexico. But he is 13 years old. I need his phone number or email address. He's my best friend but I can't contact him.

Please help me.




  1. Simple Answer: Nothing is FREE especially in Mexico.

    If you all became "friends" well enough to "know" where he came from, try contacting the Mayor's office and ask for assistance.

    It usually takes about 6 to 9 months to get an answer and usually it does not relate to the initial question. Otherwise, stop looking, find  yourself an American friend and you wouldn't be in this situation again.

    I know. Been there don that. My first 2 girl friends were MEXICANS and while they were the utmost in anyway, once they returned to Mexico, I could never get in touch with them. That was over 40 years ago. I tried everything, yes, even going to visit their "home town" which turned out to not be true! Imagine that!

    So, I found me a good ole American girl and have enjoyed her friendship and marriage for over 42 years! Nothing like "home grown" I say. All others are foreigners and should go back to where they came from.

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