
Where can I see a list of "blue book runs" before buying the books?

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Cheers, after seeing websites selling the volumes for upto £57 in total, I thought you had to buy it.




  1. ED, you don't buy the blue book, the carriage office give it to you for free, walk in and ask for one.

    But remember, the runs are not done in the blue book order.

    The actual runs go from the closest point,to the next point.

    IE: Paddington station too Victoria station, run number 19,

    then run number 27, could be, vauxhall bridge road too canary wharf etc,etc,'s the last point too point, or the closest to it, where you start the next run..........these are just an example, and not necessarily the correct run numbers.

    The runs are sold at the knowledge schools in batches of say, 20, and run in order of convenience.

    e-mail me if you have problems

  2. there are 4 books with 80 runs each

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