
Where can I sell manga books?

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Online preferrably. I live in a very small town so there isn't a 2nd hand book store anywhere near. No bookstore at all as a matter of fact.

I've already tried Soompi and ebay




  1. ebay and  

  2. If your town is really that small then there probably isn't a lot of places to buy them either (except at regular bookstores like chapters/indigo/barnes & Noble).  Try going to your school and setting up a table and try selling it there.  Or go to a busy library and set up a table in front.  If you are willing to sell on ebay then you must have enough to sell at a table.

  3. Sell them? to sell them just have to aim low on sites like ebay..or find a site you can TRUST ( and check it out first..) where u can send ur books in by mail and they send a check..

  4. Either through Amazon or Abebooks - see links and good luck !


    Post - edit ; If you have the two Ergo Proxy( Ergo Proxy: Centzon Hitchers and Undertaker (manga) 1 = red & 2 = blue

    Undertake . . .)

    books then I will buy them !

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