
Where can I start a more serious acting career?

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I live in ohio and i am looking for auditions. I want a ligit acting agent? who knows where to get one? and I really want to audition for disney channel? where can i find them? i really need help! and whats up with AMTC. i was chosen last year but we didnt do it because of the money. what happened to it? ha thanks for you help!




  1. go to and for any info u neeed for agenns go to the talent site click table of contents and click city nearest u n search around and u will learn alot but always remember a real agency is free they only get 10-20% of ur income!

  2. I think that the first thing that you need to focus on is your training. Don't worry about the Disney channel, or an agent just yet. They won't look at you unless you're training and going to every single audition they have in Burbank or Orlando. So! If thats what you truely want to do, you'll need to take a different approach.

    I would look into actors training programs in your area. Where in Ohio Are you? there is a huge theatre community in Cleveland and elsewhere in Ohio, I hear about them almost regularly and I'm out in California. So! Start looking into community theatre, and actors training.

    You shouldn't have to pay money for anything, ever, in this buisness. Yes headshots, and other buisness type things, but a legit agent/agency/model agency will not ask for your money to start work. If I remember right (and its on some of the answers here) AMTC was a hoax...lots of people got burned....I think, I'll look into it.  

    You can find auditions in your area on craigslist (which has changed my career for the better) or in other theatre circuts in your area. Look at some of the local universities and their film students, you can get a lot of work going to their auditions, and with resume/exposure you'll be in better shape.

    I think one of the big mistakes that young actors make is that they think if they focus on one thing ("I'm going to be on the Disney channel") they limit their experiance so much that they can't see the other opportunities around them (many of those extra opportunities could lead right to the goal they want too...) So be open to the journey, start training, look into a good college.There is no way you'll be discovered, and become a star within a few days, weeks, months, or years... and the stories you hear about in which young actors are "discovered" and become icons... are really elaborated, and they only happen once every 5 years (maybe more) and ususally...their careers aren't very long.

    So! I guess your first step should be to find some actors training or classes. Then look at the major cities in your area (big cities like cleveland, cincinatti, columbus,  or out of state like pittsburg or detroit) and try to find talent agents or model reps there. If you really want to be in this buisness for the right reasons ( not money or fame, but because you like the art, the craft of acting, and you enjoy all its neuances) then you will find your way... this buisness has a funny way of picking you up when you're way way way down...

    Good Luck.

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