
Where can I stay cheap in Bucharest for one month?

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I am going to Bucharest to find my future wife as I think they make great wifes.Any advice?Thanks




  1. When I went to Bucharest, for like 4-5 days, I stayed at the Butterfly hostel. It was very inexpensive and good. Very good service. There was a guy that was staying there for a month or so, and I think he didn't pay that much. I guess you should contact them, or any other hostel, and ask them if they give you a special price for staying there.

    This hostel was very good. Getting to there could be a little complicated, but you should know that you're going to B-Dul Mihalache, the opposite way of Piata Victoriei. The street (Dumitru Zosima) makes a corner with Mihalache.

    Good luck!

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