
Where can I stay in Panama City (Central American) for US$10-25per night?

by Guest67113  |  earlier

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Two-Mars is an hotel I've heard, do you know how much per night and the telephone number?

How much of the population speaks english?




  1. im Panamanian and i've never heard anything about it in Panama the minimum amount in a motel can be between 40 to 100 per night depending where you want to lodge in.

    well in Panama the main language is Spanish althought there is a consider amount of english speakers in the city but you need to know the basic words for comunicate with Panamanians in the streets.of course if you want to stay in a small motel maybe you could find a place to stay in with this amount.

  2. You CAN'T be serious... that is one of the highest price place in the U.S. to stay... maybe you can sleep on the beach for $10 -$25 a night... but I don't know of any motels you can stay in for that laughable price.

  3. I recommend you this two that are in the center and in a very secure area.  You can walk there, also you can take a taxi there with no problem and you are in the middle of the city.

    Hotel El Parador     (507)214-4586

    Hotel Marbella         (507)263-2220

    Also you can try a very good one, but this one is on the downtown but very accesible to take taxi and bus and it is cheaper, because of the location

    Hotel Venecia         (507)2275252

    In all of those hotels, they must speak english, because many foreigners stays there.

    Must of the population speaks english, not fluently but they understand a little.  The words to solve you with any problem.

    Hope this works.

  4. most Alleys are always available for the hobos..yu could join them in the gutters....and you could save $10 bucks at the same time.

  5. I just got back to the US from a three month trip to Mexico and Central America.I stayed with friends in Costa Rica and Belize,but  I NEVER paid over $25 a night  for a room in ANY of the other five C.A. countries or Mexico.

    You should have no trouble finding several places to stay.I've included a link to give you some ideas.I think most if not all of these places are under $25. Some require a minimum (2or3 day) stay and they all fill up quickly.Just ask around when you get in.Don't ask cab drivers, ask a waitress or a shopkeeper You can often find small,clean family run places in some of the residental neighborhoods that are $10-$15 a night sometimes with breakfast.There used to be several budget hotels in the El Cangreo district too but I can't remember any of their names.

    Although a larger percentage of Panamanians now speak some English you should also speak some Spanish or you will pay a premium for everything you do and buy.I call it the language tax.Cabo and Cancun in Mexico are excellent examples as is a good portion of Costa Rica and Belize.

    For beginners, I recommend a book with CDs called Spanish For Gringos/around $15 at Amazon or your local bookstores or the library.The library might also have a Lonely Planet or a  Lets Go Panama Guide that will list hotels along with other important information for the traveler.Well worth your time to peruse one or both.The Frommers guides are for people who don't speak Spanish but do have lots of $$$.

    Hope this helps you and if you have any other questions feel free to email me. If I don't hear from you again have a great trip....Please learn some Spanish!

  6. just buy a blanket

  7. Sleep in the park it is warm enought and you might enjoy it.

  8. not very safe places....

  9. Hi, I'm from Panama

    You can find some hotels from $15 to $25 US in PERU AVENUE ("Avenida Peru") in Panama City, some of them are HOTEL BENIDORM, HOTEL 2 MARES, HOTEL COVADONGA, and others. Or you can ask to anyone near Peru Avenue.

    Hope you come soon

    Half population speaks english.

    I think this "TWO MARS" you mentioned is the "HOTEL 2 MARES", as I told you a night on it cost approximadelty $20 USD (I'm sure no more than $25USD and no less than $15 USD)

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