
Where can I stay in UP Diliman tomorrow while waiting for the UPCAT to finish?

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My girlfriend will be taking the UPCAT tomorrow and I'll wait for her until she's done. Where can I stay in UP Diliman to study? I'm a UP student by the way. A freshman. I don't know if there will be a library to accommodate me. I want to make use of my time well. Any suggestions on where I can study? Besides home and SM North EDSA that is. Or is there any other activity in UP tomorrow that I can join/engage in?

Thanks a lot..




  1. I surmise you do not live in a dorm inside UP, say Kalayaan, else you wouldn't be asking about a place where you can study.

    Libraries in UP, even the MainLib or the main library are closed on Sundays.

    I used to kill my time at the Sunken Garden.  There, I'd just sit by a tree, study or compose a poem or write an essay or my papers and reports.

    You may also go to a quiet restaurant, say the Chocolate Kiss in Bahay ng Alumni then just hang out there and study (but you must order food, of course).

    There are Internet cafes too in Bahay ng Alumni and in SC or the Shopping Center if you want to surf the net.  

    Don't you have an org or a college "tambayan?"

    If you have an iPod or other MP3s, you may want to bring them to help you kill time.

    Good luck to your girlfriend.

  2. the UP chapel is always open. after mass, its quiet place to study (but no eating). good luck to your girl.

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