
Where can I surf near Eureka California? I need like the specific name of a beach or spot where its safe?

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Moving to Nor Cal soon, and I want to anything that would be helpful about Surfing in the area of Eureka, CA




  1. Check Surfline or get Sean Collin's Guide to Surfing California, or whatever it's called.  There's lots of places up there.  

    A guy I know used to work for the National Weather Service up there but said he rarely surfed for two reasons: cold water and BIG sharks.

  2. hmm, where congrats on the moving to eureka! im a local ;) well you should know the water is very cold and they aren't always the best conditions around, but i'd reccomend moonstone beach around mckinleyville, camel rock, and capetown by mattole. hope this helps.

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