
Where can I tell parents i am?

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I need to go to a party but its on a school night and Im only allowed out till 10 (I know babyish) on sch nite .If i say i am a t a m8s they will ring there parents .This event is 2morrow any ideas




  1. Don't go to this party. If it's on  a school night chances are it is being run by older people. You may be in danger.  Trust your parents, and be in by 10 on that night.

  2. Think about this.  If you lie, and are found out, the likelihood of getting your curfew increased is nil, not to mention the loss of trust and disappointment your parents will have for you.  A curfew of 10 on a school night is generous, I used to have to in bed by 10 on school nights, until I was 17.  And a 1am curfew on weekends.  While my mates were out getting drunk and arrested, I was sleeping, and getting good grades, now most of those old school chums are still living with their parents and are on the dole, while I own 3 houses am on 150k a year and only work 6 months a year.  

    Another thing you may want to think about, while at this party, if someone drops a hit of rohipnol or some other date rape drug in your drink, takes you out to some secluded park, or worse, flat, and rapes you repeatedly, or keeps you hostage, or worse, kills you.  Is the last thing you want to tell your parents a "lie" or would you prefer them to know where you are so they start looking for you in the right place, instead of going on a wild goose chase.  You sound young, there are many years of parties ahead.

  3. Lie and go to the party. I'm sure your parents did it when they were young.If you get caught just call your parents on them lying at your age. If they deny it call them liars and yada yada yada.

  4. Stay at home and improve ur ngliesh

  5. try telling them the truth and ask to go as a one-off treat - they might surprise you.

  6. naughty you! lol

  7. tell them you're sleeping over a mates house.

    but really stay over your mates house.

    then your parents will ring everything will be fine.

    then lock the berdoom door and sneak out.

  8. Grow up and be responsible. It is never a good idea to lie about where you are.  Something happens and they find out anyway.  Why do you "need" to a party on a school night anyway.  I just say, grow up!!!!

  9. dont lie

  10. Honesty is the best policy. tell them the truth

  11. well you can try sneaking out, that guy had a great idea but in the end there going to find out. If the party is that importent you might as well just do what you want and take the consequences of it. You could try makeing up a story like the friend that picked up got mad at you and left you there and your cell phone died and you din't know any one and they won't let you use there phone.

  12. Why would you ask strangers to help you to lie to your parents.

    10 is not babyish...people older than you have a 10pm deadline and it is thought very mature to abide by the house rules your parents set.

    What is babyish is someone who stamps their feet and throws the toys out of their cot because they haven't the sense to understand their parents have their best interests in mind. You don't want to be seen in that  light do you....Hang in there, you will have plenty of time to party with your parent's blessing.

  13. Oh I see, you are only at that young age where you think that parents are the enemy & wouldn`t understand you in the slightest.

    News Flash. one day you will hear yourself saying the exact same words that you are being told to your own kids. Guess what, it is because they care about you, just as you will care about your kids.

    I don`t think you are asking a very nice question especially in light of the missing or  murdered kids in the news lately.

    You are not ready for the big bad world, do as your parents say. You will grow up only too soon anyway. Don`t rush it.

  14. Tell your parents there is a party and you are not going.  Then don't go and build the trust in your family.  Friends will come and go, but your family will always be there (if you do what your heart knows is right).

  15. how old are you? you don't sound  particularly grown up to be doing this stuff.

  16. Why do you need to go?

    Tell your parents, and come home for ten.  Its not babyish, ten is a good time on a school night.

  17. it would help to know your age

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