
Where can I try Laughing gas and Helium???

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ok here's the and my friends watched some korean videos of this big boyband called super junior and they were on this show where they got to try laughing obviously has different effects on different people but now we really want to try it becaues apparently you can crack up laughng sooo much and you can't control it....sounds fun to me...

i also want to try sucking helium so that i can make funny voices...

they both sound really fun so would anyone know where i can try it?!?!




  1. Listen please last comment writers.

  2. Long ago, when I was much younger, I got invited to a party where they had many cases of whipped cream in the can.  Some how they inhaled only the gas from the can, not the whip cream.  Don't ask me how they did it, I didn't participate.  I was too busy drinking.  This was a type of laughing gas.  To try helium, just go buy a balloon filled with it.  Suck it out a little at a time.  A lot of dentists use laughing gas instead of Novocaine

  3. Nitrous Oxide is the propellent in whipped cream in the can.  Nitrous Oxide is also known as "laughing gas" Get a can of whip cream, and hold it right side up, put your mouth over the dispenser, press it to release the gas, breathe in. You can breathe the gas out into a balloon and share it, or just get another can of is a very short intense period of audio hallucination.  Do not do this if you have CPD or asthma, as it can cause complications. Another warning, people have died from this, but the people who have died usually did something stupid like tie a bag over their head to catch the gas... and then ended up suffocating... Don't do that...

    Nitrous Oxide is also used as a part of the sedative cocktail that denstist's use before oral surgery.  When I had my wisdom teeth removed i was given Nitrous Oxide to breathe and a valium drip.

    Some large concerts Have people off on the side lines selling nitrous oxide ballons, it was very popular at Greatful Dead concerts, but I also came across them at Woodstock, Vans Warped tour, and Lollapolooza.  They can usally be found in the parking or camping area by the tell tale sounds of a tank filling up a balloon and a bunch of hippies sitting on the ground with deflated balloons on the ground saying "Oh WOW"

    One other place, high end grocery-party supply stores, they sell the little purple canisters for making your own whipped cream.  You will also need a "cracker" which is a plastic device that has a pin to crack the canister and an end to attach a large balloon, the ballon fills up with the nitrous oxide.  Crackers are available at most head shops.

    Helium does not give you a high or hallucinations it just makes you talk like donald duck... you can get helium balloons from most grocery stores in the floral section

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