
Where can I use my dirtbike in the suburbs of NYC?

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I own a dirtbike and I want to find a public place where I can take and ride my dirtbike. I live in Westchester county and am willing to travel up towards Albany, NY. Are there any places in the area to find public dirtbike trails?




  1. Orange County is good riding and west of the thruway. The furthur you kick up the thruway the better but I always see kids tooling around the other side of the Tappan Zee by the Palisades. You should be able to find some good stuff. As you get down towards PA, by deposit NY and in North Jersey, there is a ton of stuff.

    Also off of RT 3 by paramus in NJ (off of the turnpike in by the bogs by Giants Staduim)

    Ive seen tons of jumps over there, but I hear you have to be careful because there are always coppers cruising around there. Best to go where it's chill.

  2. I ride in Central Park every weekend.

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