
Where can I verify a home schools accreditation? The school is Heritage Home School Academy.?

by Guest55674  |  earlier

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They say their accredited but I want to know how I find out who their accredited by and where can I check it out?




  1. Go back and ask them for their accreditation source.  They should be glad to give you all the details.  Then check with the source to see if they are in good standing.  If it is a prep school, be sure they are state accredited or you may be just studying for your GED.

    Dr. Tommy Skelton

  2. I looked around their site, and I didn't see anything about their accreditation; from everything I saw, they are under the umbrella of School of Tomorrow, which is a section of Accelerated Christian Education. This is a company that works by PACEs, which are little workbooks that you work through each subject, about one PACE per month.  That's really all there is to the curriculum - it says that on average you will complete 70 little workbooks per year.

    It looks like Heritage is just a supplier of PACEs, though they will keep records for you of how many are completed each year.  Quite frankly, you can do this for free with a notebook or Excel spreadsheet, or tracking software that you can download off the internet.

    I also found it interesting that while Heritage charges you $39.95 for the "Quick Start Kit", ACE/School of Tomorrow only charges you $19.95 for the exact same thing...hmm.

    A facet of School of Tomorrow is accredited by Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) and the Commission on International and Trans-Regional Accreditation (CITA), the info can be found here.  Heritage states that they use a "nationally recognized curriculum" and the accreditation seems to come from the company that produces that curriculum.

    My honest advice - and take it for whatever it is - this one isn't worth your time.  All they are offering you, as far as I can see, is a bunch of workbooks that most kids don't even find all that interesting, and the ability to keep track of workbooks that your kids finish.  IMO, that's not worth paying somebody for.  There are much more interactive curricula out there that are more worth your time.

    But, like I said, that's just my with it what you will :-)

    Hope that helped, though!

  3. They are accredited by the National Association of Private Schools which mostly Christians schools in all of the states and the Phillipines as members.

    Certification is done by Educators and Religious board members.

    Accrediation, you undestand, doesn't mean a bag of beans.

    The courses you take at a state or city run Junior College may NOT be accpetable to USC or HArvard, even if the school is accredited.

    At your NY High School you may have 30 college credits in courses, but that doesn't mean NYU will accept them all nor will UCLA

    That's why you may have to go first to a SUNY school to get those credits applied and then transfer or apply later to NYU, who will accept your SUNY BA Degree.

  4. I can't track their accreditation, either.  Ask them, and expect a runaround.


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