
Where can I watch good storm chasing videos?

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If a category 5 hurricanes comes here in Manatee county, coud I legally stay to film it f I'm a storm chaser? I don't work for the national weather service, I just do it as a hobby.




  1. I live in Highlands County, FL...

    I've been here all my life, and have seen the worst in the '04 hurricanes. They ordered a mandatory evacuation of some of the mobile home parks, and I know for a fact that most of the people stayed.

    I found a government website that states the definition for Mandatory Evacuation:

    Mandatory Evacuation—This is a situation where authorities put maximum emphasis on encouraging evacuation and limiting ingress to potentially impacted areas.

    So , no, you do not have to leave in the event of a mandatory evac.

  2. If you want to watch storm chasing videos...I suggest youtube.  They have practically every form of video imaginable on there.  As for it being legal...I suppose it depends if you get caught or not.  I don't know if its illegal as people often film videos of storms or tornados near their homes, and those are sometimes submitted or shown on news stations.

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