
Where can I watch the Pokemon episode 357 A kiss under the mistletoe?

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its a Japanese special where Ash and May kiss. I have tried youtube,

megavideo and some other sites. Can someone please tell me where

to watch it. It is not on Youtube. I want a site where I can watch it for





  1. Guest572

     i will watch this


  2.  hey, i looked for it for a long time but u can download it from this site i didn't try to download it myself because it needs a membership

  3. im sorry ive spent hours trying its ash x misty but ok 0.o i wanna see  it to!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

  4.  i can't find it too


  5. i know he didnt really kiss dawn  but you can tell he likes her

  6. ash kissed misty may and dawn and brock cant even get 1 girl  XD   i dont know where u can find it

  7. Maybe you can try to torrent it from a torrent site like

  8. i have heard that if u buy one of the pokemon comic books for the season of the epiasode ur lookin for i think u get a free dvd of the whole season...............................well thats wat my sister said she did

  9. WTF?

    omg, it's Ash and Misty, NOT Ash and May? :S


    can i ask how long time you have like pokemon? <__<'

  10. Sorry I tried to find the episode but I can't.

    I heard that maybe if you go to they might have it...

  11. Sorry I tried to find the episode but I can't.

    I heard that maybe if you go to they might have it...

  12. i'm looking for that episode too, man is it hard i love may seriously if anyone finds it post it here please thx.

  13. It wasnt May and Ash it was Misty and Ash and that episode is very very rare u wont find it anywhere on the net trust me, its shown in Japan but rarely i heard

  14. ive been looking for it for weeks and still have got no trace :( very sorry man :(

  15. I'm sorry I can't find it also all that showed up was the under the mistletoe song from the pokemon christmas bash.Mega sorry.

  16. ghfghbhjnjhnbgbhjuihghyju


  18. I don't know where you can watch it. I have been looking for it all day, but sadly I have not found it yet. I will tell you if I find it. Sorry!

  19. i watch the wen but i cant find it . i never give up i tell you when i found it. sry i cant speak good

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