
Where can I watch the live telecast of the night to honor israel tonight ?

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Tonight july 23,2008 at washington D.C.




  1. Oh that is sweet thank you for your support for Israel! :)  Usually the Christian support when televised is on CBC (Christian Broadcast Channels) most cable/satellite carries one or more stations.  I do not watch television myself so I don't know what particular satellite it could be on but check the CBC for any events still talked about.

    Here is web link to the event.

    Christians United for Israel

    Third Annual Washington-Israel Summit in Washington, D.C.

    at the Washington Convention Center

    July 21-24, 2008

    Your Chance to Vote for Israel

  2. It was held in W.C from 9am-6pm so you won't be able to see it live.

    I can't find a video of it but maybe you should post this question in R&S maybe someone will know.

  3. Check the comedy channel.

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