
Where can I weigh my boat?

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I need to find out how much my trailer and boat weighs in order to get it registered. I live in Metro Detroit, Michigan. It is a 14' aluminum boat on a trailer. Where can I go to get it weighed so that i can get it registered and out on the water this weekend.




  1. Yes, go to a truck stop. Weigh the truck, trailer, & boat at the same time. Then get the boat off & into the water. Then drive back out to the same truck stop, weigh the truck & trailer again. Be sure to have the same amount of fuel in it when you do and also make sure you have the same stuff in the truck as you did the 1st time. There is a good Pilot truck stop with an accurate scale at I-94, exit 167 (Baker Rd). I've used it before. G'luck.

  2. weigh station on interstates perhaps

  3. Use your bathroom scale, and weigh one wheel, the other wheel, and the tongue. Add them up, and you will have the weight. Or, just use 814#.



  4. that doesnt sound right to me  you have to weight the boat motor and trailer to reg  it  something is not right

  5. Truck stops usually have scales

  6. go to your local marina and get a travel lift to pick your boat up. the travel lift is just a big machine with slings. it will tell you how much your boat weighs

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