
Where can a fourteen year old work in Massachusetts?

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I'm fourteen and trying to make some extra cash. I'm willing to work but I don't know where I should apply. Any one know where I could work.




  1. Next year at 15 you will be able to get a work permit and apply anywhere you would like, in the meantime, you could mow lawns, weed gardens, raking...

    My neighbor's son (Jeff 13) comes over twice a week to do yard work, I pay him $7 per hr., he also works for other neighbors.

    (he knocked on my door about a month ago and asked if I needed any work done)

  2. Do you play an instrument?  You could make good money playing at weddings or nice restaurants.  I'm a piano accompanist and got my name around (I also taught piano lessons when I was that age.)

    Other ideas:

    ~Babysitting (your name gets passed around a lot for this)



    ~Pet care


    It's great to print out around 50 flyers and hang them ALL over (especially places like the back of women's restroom stalls and at bus stops.  Places where people have to stare for a while :)  )

    Good luck!

  3. As it is in Illinois, a 14 y/o cannot work in most places because of liability reasons. All you can do is the typical things to make a little cash such as the mowing lawns, etc... When you turn 16, then you can get limited jobs at the usual fast food joints.

  4. baby sitting, dog walking, house sitting, you could ask your parents if they'll pay you to do odd jobs around the house or

    you could try paid online surveys, most are scams so you might want to do a little research before you sign up for anything. You don't make much though, usually about 50 dollars a month, so use more than one.

    Here's two that I have been paid by:

    good luck and don't trust anyone who asks you for money!

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