
Where can a get a bigger hard drive for my ps3

by  |  earlier

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don't say ebay i want to know if i can get one at wal mart best buy or circuit city and what type of hard drive is the best for my ps3




  1. any 2.5" Sata hard drive will do, these are usedin laptops, so look for laptop Hard drives.

    120gb is consideredthe smallest worht upgrade, with 250gb beign the average upgrade size, thoguh there is no offcial limit to the size, some people report putitng in 1TB drives.

    you cna use any speed too, it doenst have to be 5,400rpm, and a 7,200rpm HDD will offer a good speed boost.

    beciase these are normal harddrives you shoud be abel to findthem in any computer store or online.

    And hte link you snet was a 3.5" desktop HDD

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