
Where can a person live free in the wilderness?

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Is their anywhere in the United States one could find undisturbed land to live on for free, and remain undisturbed for a long time?




  1. as soon as the land owners find you they will probibly kick you out, and all the land in the united states is either owned by private citizens, corperations, or is tied up in state and federal parks.

    the north maine woods is what I would consider the closest thing to what your looking for in the continus states, (alaska has more open land, but the same deal) and at the same time you will be "disturbed" at least once a year when the paper compaines that own the land survey the "crop" of trees for making paper

  2. ahh i remember that the book "Into the Wild"...the person goes somewhere in Alaska i believe.

  3. Montana and northern maine.

  4. Just gotta go into any really, really big forest and set up camp.  If anyone ever stumbles on you and asks what you're doing there, tell 'em you're camping.

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