
Where can an American buy Aussie Rules Football gear online? (I tried the official shop, but never heard back)

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I ordered products from the Brisbane Lions official online shop. I got a confirm via email, but was never charged and never contacted. They only have a phone number and I don't want to deal with calling them (time difference, cost, etc.)




  1. Have you tried the Official AFL website? If that doesn't help, try sporting shops websites, and as a last resort you could try eBay.

    EDIT: Try Rebel Sports website. It's an Australian Sports Store. I'm not sure if you can purchase items online though, or if they will send it overseas. Just check it out =)

  2. I would give it another go with the Lions website. I had to be a clerical error.

    Stay away from EBay. Huge ripoff and many unknown credit card charges will appear your way when they sell your credit card information. Visa and Master Card are not in a good mood when you complain about EBay transactions.

  3. Try eBay:

  4. Try or the USAFLs website and look in their store. If you want Brisbane stuff you're stuck dealing with either the team store or the store at Other than that I don't know what to tell you. I'm an Aussie Rules fan in South Carolina and this state is like a footy wasteland. By the way I barrack for the 'Roos myself, have since the mid 90s'.

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