
Where can an American find a job in Venezuela?

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Where can an American find a job in Venezuela?




  1. You would have to go to Venezuela.

  2. That's quite difficult. I know some American companies in Venezuela that bring trainers or simply employees to work there for a period of time and they of course pay in US dollars, but just any job? I don't know, you should be able to speak Spanish first, and to earn Venezuelan bolivars is not quite a good idea financially.

  3. the american embassy

  4. In Caracas try International Companies

    english is an advantage for you

  5. Your best bet if you don't know Spanish would be to teach English. You may get a job like that especially at the CVA  (Centro Venezolano Americano / Venezuelan American Center) But also in other places such as the British Council or maybe even at many of the private schools across the country. Private English classes/tutoring is also an option as I'm sure many Venezuelans would prefer an American teacher.

    (Here's a direct link to an internship at CVA )

    Other than teaching English, you could probably also find something either directly at the US Embassy in Caracas or through them.

    If you do know Spanish however, then you could get a job pretty much anywhere (except those that require a Venezuelan degree such as the ones in the field of Medicine, etc).

  6. I would suggest contacting the Venezuelan Embassy. Go to

    They should be able to help you.

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