
Where can aussies watch australian state of origin rugby league football in las vegas?

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Where can aussies watch australian state of origin rugby league football in las vegas?





  2. Here is the link for Setanta scheduling. It is on at 5.30am on Wednesday.

    Setanta is not on cable - it is a satellite service - but a lot of English and Irish pubs have it as it has the Rugby and EPL. Later it will have Hurling and Gaelic football. Best bet is find a 24 hr English bar that has Setanta - or a sports room in a Casino. Were I am in the US - only a few of the English pubs (and the one Aussie pub) have it, but none of the American "sports bar" - mainly as it is an expensive service for the pub and they need the Irish, English and Aussie patronage already there to make it worthwhile.

  3. there is a channel over here in the states called setanta. it has been my saving grace over that last year or two. it shows rugby, league, afl and much more.

    if you find setanta, youll have your state of origin. most sprots bars will have access to it but you may need to ask them to put it on. failing that, as a last resort, get a hotel room and pay for the channel for a night. it will cost you but what price can you put on watching the blues beat up those filthy cane toads

  4. You kidding mate ! Do the Americans watch anything but their S_tup_id version (football).

  5. Cable, try an Aussie Bar, or a "smaller" Casino!

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