
Where can baby boomers go to learn about investments like ira for retirement?

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Where can baby boomers go to learn about investments like ira for retirement?




  1. I would have to agree with David you was the first to answer your question.

    I would also add that a large majority of people in the US have the most of their net worth in their personal residence. If you are a boomer and have not already accumulated a 401k or IRA, I would hope you have lots of equity in your home. This can be used to invest for your retirement. Do not blow those funds on home improvements, cars, toys, etc. Those are all liabilities and you need income producing assets. Borrowing utilizing a home equity line of credit is one of the easiest and cheapest forms of loans today. You get a tax deduction on the interest and you can use the proceeds to buy investment real estate. That would provide you monthly cash flow, additional tax benefits from the paper deductions (depreciation), principle reduction from the tenants paying down the loan, appreciation, and forced appreciation. If you acquire at least two rental doors each year for the next 5 years, you will have 10 total doors and in 10 years, at least $500,000 in equity/assets (assuming only a 5% annual appreciation).

    Go to the website listed below and click on the retirement page for lots of information on retirement investing.


    Yahoo Finance



  4. Amazing!! If you are a baby boomer and dint save in US treasury bonds back when they were paying 14% + interest for 30 years then there is no way you could possibly start now. All you can do at thins point is try to maintain any savings you have. Thats not easy to do given these market conditions. Inflation is eating away savings at a rate of 17% per year right now. Real estate is on the decline and will do so for some time to come. I would be paying down debt. Debt is what you should be worried about now. That will lower your expenses. Lower expenses means you need to make less each month in retirement to service debt.

  5. I hate to say this, but if you're truly a boomer it may be a little late in the game to begin your retirement planning. The earlier the better obviously but one should have started this at least by their 30's, be well underway in their 40's and doing final touches in their 50's. If you're truly a boomer, you're in your 40's, 50's or 60's. If you're starting from scratch (as it sound you are) I'd go to

    Good luck!


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