
Where can find good deals on ski boots?

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Where can find good deals on ski boots?




  1. Well, depending on where you are located, you could try:

    Your local ski shop's clearance sale...

    Your local ski resort's end of season sale (Most will have one going on now or shortly)

    or, in the Vienna WV area, try Skiier's Edge Sports shop.

    I would NOT send you to Wal-Mart or similar discount big box store, because they typically will be stocking inferior product that will not last.  Now, if you're just a once or twice a season skiier who doesn't want to rent, and wants something of the right size to trade among others in your family, then maybe that might make sense.... but I've seen far too many fractured boot(s) setting in the trash on the way out of my favorite ski resort to believe that these were quality boots.

    I got mine used at the Tent sale that is held in mid-August, and they have served me well for at least five years, and I only go skiinig once every month for the last seven or eight years.



  4. The cheapist place is ebay, you will spend half price there.

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