
Where can i apply for actuall college grants and scholarships?

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OK so it's really starting to p**s me off i've been searching for grants and scholarships and so far i haven't been able to find anything but hastlers. every time i sign up for something new i recieve tons of garbage email it's crazy i feel like im not doing anything but putting my email and number out for phoenix university cause some how each site is connected to it lol but any who can anyone help.




  1. Hello how are you? What I suggest that you do is use a scholarship search. A scholarship search allows you to create a profile and receive information for all the scholarships that you are eligible to apply for based on your profile description. actually has 2 free scholarship searches available right now. I hope this helps. Good Luck!

  2. I've got what you need right here - this is a great scholarships search resource offered directly by the US Department of Education. Take a look, and you'll see that they offer several types of search capabilities, and, they warn you, right there, about how to avoid the very scams that you've been stumbling into.

    Also check the second link - that's a government-vetted and approved site that provides information on a state-by-state basis about special funds available to the residents of each of the 50 states.

    I hope that helps!

  3. Below is a list of common types of financial aid for college. This is not a full and complete list of every single type of college financial aid out there. I have provided links to several sites with information about the type of aid listed, some are links to government websites and some are links to private sites not affiliated with the government in any way. Please do your own additional research on the type of aid and its eligibility requirements.

    The FAFSA Application (The application that must be filled out to get any federal financial aid)

    The PIN Site (If you want to sign your FAFSA electronically, then you must have a PIN. If you are dependent, your parent needs a PIN too).

    Federal Grants:

    The Pell Grant (The largest and most common federal grant). The Maximum amount for the 08-09 school year is ~4700.

    Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG). Rages from $100-$4000 a year. This is limited and is awarded on a first come, first served basis.

    Academic Competitiveness Grant (ACG Grant). For freshmen it is up to $750 and sophomores up to $1300. You must be Pell eligible to receive this grant.

    Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH Grant)

    Up to $4000 a year for student who are going to become teachers. This grant has LOTS of eligibility requirements, read carefully.

    The National Science & Mathematics Access to Retain Talent Grant (SMART Grant)

    This is up to $4000 a year for Juniors & Seniors who are majoring in physical, life, or computer sciences, mathematics, technology, or engineering or in a foreign language determined critical to national security.


    Stafford Loans - The most common student loan for college. There are limits based on dependency status and grade level.

    Perkins Loan - $4000 a year for undergrads. The school is your lender and interest is capped at 5%.

    Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students (PLUS Loan) - This is a loan that your parents take out for your education. Unlike the stafford, your parents generally start paying on it 60 days after it is disbursed.

    Other Aid

    Scholarships - The MOST sought after aid there is. You don;t have to pay it back and eligibility is not need based on some scholarships. They are also usually the hardest to get. There are several scholarship database sites that list tons.

    State Aid - Most states in the USA do offer some sort of financial aid for college. Each state has different programs. Some have just a few, some have tons. These might include states that have big lotteries and such. - Has information about almost every state and what aid they give out.

    Work Study - Funds are earned through part time employment at the school or connected with the school.


  5. Maybe one of these, or did you already try them?  I just searched too.

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