
Where can i buy Iraqi Dinars in the UK?

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Where can i buy Iraqi Dinars in the UK?




  1. Where do people come up with these investing ideas? Iraqi Dinars? I must have explained this on these forums about a million times, currencies NEVER appreciate in real terms over long periods of time, they only depreciate due to inflation.

  2. "

    I just found it for you

    :  www . robotstock .info


  3. Take it from somebody who got caught up in this scam called the Iraqi dinar.  It's a SCAM!!  If you're looking to make a profit on the Iraqi dinar, then you are in for a big letdown.  This scam has been going on for years, and people still fall for it.  I understand because I did.  I would just hope that you don't waste your valuable time in life, trying to become an instant millionaire with this scam.  I was ignorant, and fell into it.  I becam educated about it, AFTER I purchased a bunch of Iraqi dinar.  I found out real quick that I should've checked it out first, but I didn't.  I hope that you would do yourself a favor, and become educated BEFORE you spend one Pound on this.  You'll find that the only ones making money are the Iraqi Dinar SELLERS.  It is the perfect scam, because they lead you to believe that the Iraqi dinar is going to revalue at any time, and you will become a millionaire.

    The Iraqi dinar is trading much worse than the Mexican peso, relative to the U. S. dollar.  

    The Mexican Peso is trading like 10 or 11 pesos to One U. S. dollar

    The Iraqi dinar is trading around 1200 dinar to ONE U. S. Dollar.  Now, you see how worthless the Iraqi dinar is.

    I am not looking for points for the best answer or anything like that.  I am just trying to warn you and others who read this, that this Iraqi dinar scheme  is a scam.

  4. Why would you want to do that?

    Iraq's currency is basically worthless. I believe Mexico's Peso is worth more.

    UK Currency Exchanges

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