
Where can i buy MS contin (Morphine) online ??? from a reputable dealer??? ?

by  |  earlier

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Please if anyone can recommend a place where i can buy it?

***********Please no Answers telling me about how bad etc etc**********




  1. yeah...let me know if you find out lol

  2. By definition how can anyone be 'reputable' if they supply morphine illegally?  

  3. No, as a matter of fact, I don't.  Reputable dealer of Morphine?  On line?  Oi! You must be joking!  Your doctor would be the one to decide if you need to use it, no?  Sorry for the ignorance on my part, but I thought morphine was a very powerful narcotic.  Is it not?

    johnstonemac-----friend?  Hmmmmm......what FRIEND would that be?

  4. I don't know.

    Most that stuff is fake or has stuff like a bottle of xanax for 250$ or some BS like that.  

  5. You should be able to fill a prescription for morphine at any reputable drug store.  I would recommend any of these, be they CVS, Walgreens, Longs Drugs, the pharmacy at the grocery store, etc.  Also, with a prescription, you should be able to go online to request the prescription to be filled at the online site at any of these - for pick up.  I doubt any would mail it to you, nor allow anyone else to pick it up for you, other than perhaps your doctor.  If you do not already know, morphine is classified as a controlled substance and falls under the category of Schedule 1&2 drugs in the US.  (ie - Even if you had a prescription, there are restrictions for who is even allowed to fill it for you and how much you're allowed to have.)  Also, know that drug providers in other countries that may not be as restrictive are well aware of the rules and regulations for others.  It's entirely possible that, even if you found one overseas offering it, they would not send it to you.

    If you don't have a prescription, I hate to tell you this but...  I don't know of any reputable place that would sell this to you *online - in this country or otherwise - and have never met anybody who could.  (It's hardly has the obvious packaging of low-dose birth control or the rate of substance abuse of cholesterol medication.)  Most places that offer such, often have issues with drug content.  In which case, you run the risk of not getting what you think you're getting, getting the wrong thing entirely, or getting a rather expensive placebo.  I recommend that making a purchase in person is the best way to go should you be somewhere less restrictive at some time.

    No, I'm not going to tell you it's bad or whatever because... well, it's your business, not mine.  I will tell you one reason why you'll likely get a hard time from this particular category  = Alternative medicine does not translate into "Where is an alternative to CVS to purchase my controlled substance?"  People into alt med generally don't appreciate such questions, as they have naught to do with alternative medicine.  This question would receive far more answers under a more proper listing.  I recommend a more general health category.

  6. I think you know the answer. It is bad for you!!! It is the last thing given to people who are dying and in great pain. Go to your Doctor and get help. Assuming  you want this for your own use? Foolish to even think of buying this drug on-line.

  7. You have GOT to be American! If you asked a question like that in England, they would cut your nuts off and flush them down the toilet! Seeing as you know it's a poison and will kill you, (or an insured partner) I hope someone can help. I have an American friend-I'll star this and they will read it later. If not, you'll have to settle for ketamin or pure opium.

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