
Where can i buy a Black Belt (Martial Arts)?

by Guest58225  |  earlier

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I had previously gotten my black belt, and after 4 times, i got sick and tired of my Master mistakingly getting a wrong black belt order. Finally, I just took the one he gave me which had his name in English and mine "supposedly" in Korean on the other side. Now that i am coming back, i would like a proper black belt that has my name written in Gold. Does anyone know where I can buy a personalized and cheap black belt to get back into this art?




  1. For starters, the belt is meaningless outside of the school you earned it in - unless you have some kind of documentation (i.e. Kukkiwon).  So, unless you have that certification to take with you to your new school, forget buying a belt.

    If you do have that certificate and can present it at the new school, have a blank Black Belt in your gym bag ready to go should the new instructor decide to honor your degree (which you can get from Century as already stated).  Don't worry about the decoration on it (name in gold, etc) for two reasons:  1) The new school will definitely do it differently.  2) In Korea, they don't adorn their belts at all.  A 9th Dan looks just like a 1st Dan when it comes test time (trust me on this, I saw a 9th Dan test and the candidate wore a blank belt).

  2. there are several online companies you can go to.

    1) Century Martail Arts

    2)Honda Martial Arts (NYC)

    3)Asian Worl of the Martial Arts

    Just to name a few. Personally I recomend Century or Honda Martial Arts. I regularly order from Honda but I have also purchased from Century from time to time.

    I hope this helps you I know how frustraiting it is to get your belt done wrong and have to use it with the mistakes on it.

  3. Century Martial Arts - or any other martial art supply outlet.

  4. Honestly, and I cannot stress this enough ...

    The proper way to do this is to either return to your old school OR if there are some good reasons not to, go in your street cloths one evening ask humbly at a new training hall if you may be allowed to join them, and AT WHAT RANK MAY YOU JOIN THEM.

    This can have many answers.

    Also if say you have moved away .. get permission to work with the new school.

    This then will take care of the black belt problem.  It is at this time you then ask where you can get a new belt ..

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