
Where can i buy a cheap GS suit for ski racing besides ebay?

by  |  earlier

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I dont care if its used or new or what it looks like!

It does not have to be the best brand, its just for high school Giant Slalom racing

Thanks so Much!!




  1. Reliable Racing is a great website for ski racing with great prices.  Check them out at

  2. i'm in the same boat. i am just getting into racing and am in high school. i needed one, but i'm no bode miller so i just needed one to get the job done. my mom called the parents of people who had just graduated and she found one of last year's seniors who were willing to sell hers to me. i got all of her slalom equipment (shin pads, pole guards, helmet) for 40 dollars and the GS suit for 75 dollars. hope this helps!

  3. Ask your friends if they have any old ones.  Little tears around the ankles don't really matter so don't worry about that.  Other than that, try going on the internet, its bound to be cheaper than any ski shop.  Or buy on off season.

  4. try Craigslist or But i dont think many people sell those.

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