
Where can i buy a cookie cake??

by  |  earlier

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I really really really need to find a cookie cake tomorrow for my best friend's party..but i don't know where to find one. I have no time to order one and i'm sugesting a grocery store.




  1. Mrs. Fields. They're amazing and FRESH. Call them now to get their machine and see when they're open tomorrow. Then call first thing in the morning if you want it personalized

  2. pathmark or cousin

  3. Kroger, Publix have really good ones

    walmart sells them too

  4. go to your local bakery or yea a local grocery store, good luck           ;)

  5. they should have an american cookie cake factory at your local mall. OR you can make one, My sister makes them all the time and she's only get a cookie cake roll that looks like buiscits in those plastic rolls. and put it in a  round pizza pan and bake it. (I don't know how hot though or how long. I would put it at 375 and keep watch on it to see how long.

  6. at the bakery

  7. that cookie store in the malls, can't remember the name but they always have some available. or call very early to your local grocery store. they have those cookies frozen and can pull one out to thaw and decorate it for you.

  8. shoprite or a&p if there near you or maybe a supertarget or costco

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