
Where can i buy a desert eagle? or a barret 50 cal sniper rifle?

by  |  earlier

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I want one really bad and have $3,000 to spend.




  1. for one the barret is over 8000 and i no of places u can buy both but it depends on where u live but the desert eagle if u buy the gold plated one it can run u over 3000. my local gun store carries the desert eagle gold plated tiger stripd one and its like almost 4000 i think so its a lil much if u only got 3000

  2. Planning a squirrel hunt in Texas?  You ought to be able to find these guns through your local gun shop.  Look up the Barret website for info on where to buy a Barret .50 BMG.  Their website is  You can do the same for the Desert Eagle.  It is made by Magnum Research.  Their website is

    If you get one of these guns, you will need to reload for it because buying the ammo is prohibitively expensive.  Here are some websites where you can find reloading equipment:,, and  They will also be able to sell you the required hearing protection.

  3. Well you might as well just buy a boat anchor instead of the Desert Eagle. It would be cheaper and more useful. As for the rifle you may want to continue to save.

    For three grand there are many firearms out there that are way more practical and useful. Not to mention you can buy the holster and other accessories to go with it.

  4. A desert eagle costs over $1500 and a 82A1/M107 Barrett .50 BMG Caliber Sniper Rifle will cost you $8650, so may be a stretch with $3000! You need a Federal Firearms Licence in order to buy either gun, that costs more money! Join the army and you'll get to fire both!

    Any chance that you play too much CoD4?

  5. Depends where u live

    i wud say go to nearest gun shop

    or jus try the internet

  6. Why not skip the bas@ss hollywood guns, and buy yourself a nice Ruger 10/22. Then put the $2800 you have left in a CD or some other kind of investment.

  7. Gun

    You can probably find a desert eagle at a gun store if you look around.

    The barret is going to be harder to find in a gun store so check out gun

    Also if you actually do get a barret the ammo is very expensive and you'll need a helluva big range and backstop to safely shoot it.  Also as stated 3K is about half the money you need for the M82A1. You might be able to get a bolt action Barret model for around 3K though.

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