
Where can i buy a jump rope?

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I want to buy a jump rope.

so i went to the target but the rope was too big for me and i don't know how to make it short.

so i'm finding a place i could buy jump rope that could make it short.




  1. walmart kmart any sports store

  2. walmart or you can wrap the rope around your hands once

  3. try wal mart. or if you want d**k's or a sports store.

    one way to make the rope shorter is to wrap the rope around your hands, or you can bunch the rope up (like you store an electrical cord) and hold that..

    hope that helped :)

  4. dollarama, walmart

  5. you can buy jump rope at wal-mart, wal-mart carries everything

  6. target, walmart, anywhere really.

    i have the same problem, all the workout labled jump ropes are to big. so i gotta get the ones from the kids section ~cry~

    so if your looking for a workout one, just get from the kids section in any retail store and get some wrist weights.

    but if your young and just looking to jump rope lol kids section is great and if tehre still to big for you :( im not sure what else you could do.

  7. toys r us? target? kmart?

  8. You could try Meijer or Walmart in the toy department, beofre you go to the store you may want to check their website.

  9. You should find a good jump rope at any sporting goods store (Big 5 Sporting Goods, Sports Authority, Sports Chalet, etc).  I'd recommend a speed rope with pvc cord and slim handles.  They work the best and very cheap.  If you're looking for a high end jump rope then you should visit Buddy Lee's website and consider his Aero Speed or Rope Master, both are relatively expensive but well worth the money.

    All jump rope are made to be a certain length, usually 9ft long, so you'll need to do some length adjustment.

    To determine the proper length stand on the middle of the rope with one foot and adjust the length such that the end of each handle touches your armpit.  Trim off the excess rope and tie a new knot.

  10. What kind of jump rope??  Just a kids rope, try Walmart or Toys R Us.  If you are looking for an exercise jump rope, then try Academy or other sports store (they are much better quality and can be adjusted for size)

  11. If the jump-rope is too long (and it is the kind with the knot stopping it from going through the handle), you can just cut it, re-tie the knot to the length you need it.  If it is not that kind of jump-rope, you can just wrap it around your hands until it is a comfortable length to jump.

  12. the nearest store near you should have,

    for example ;

    walmart, target, auto zone, k mart.

  13. just look in a athletic store

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