
Where can i buy a real cheap ouija board?

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vintage mystifying oracle




  1. Toys R Us sells them.  You can also find them at most department stores that sell board games.  Many people buy them on ebay, and if you don't want to spend the money you can make one.  You'll find the directions online if you do a search.  Just google "how to  make a ouija board".

  2. Usually Toys R US has them, shocking right?

  3. You can actually make one yourself with some bristol board, and make the piece that moves, out of the same material.  Put the alphabet on the bristol board, the numbers 1 to 9, yes, no and goodbye.  Saves a lot of money.

  4. go on ebay... why are you wanting to buy one??  they have been known to cause people to become possessed.

  5. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee bay

  6. Any decent toy store should have one. They cost about $12. and are worth even less. Why? Because ouija boards, like tarot cards, tea leaves, numerology, palmistry and all that other stuff are a fraud and a sham.

  7. You can buy a real cheap ouija board from

    Good luck!

  8. ouija board -

    Hope this helps.

  9. maby a mygision stare

  10. Go to a satan worshipping meeting.  Tell them you need one pronto!

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