
Where can i buy a water proof mermaid tail or how do i become a real mermaid?i love mermaids i think they r be

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Where can i buy a water proof mermaid tail or how do i become a real mermaid?i love mermaids i think they r be




  1. i now how you can be a metrmaid

  2. to say that mer maids aren't real is mean she probably wants to just look like one anyway Guest9120 your such a sicko for picking on little girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Im 12 and i know that u can not become a mermaid when your a human(which u are) but u can find videos on youtube about how to make tails

  4. Every last one of you is an idiot.

  5. well I'm 10 i still just want a fake mermaid tail. does anyone know were to buy one?????????????????????????????????????????????

  6. Magic Mushrooms. The will make you a mermaid in no time XD

  7. Go to!!! Mermagica has great colors and very durable fabrics. They are so much fun to swim in and everybody likes them!

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