
Where can i buy a waterfall for my water-dragons like the ones on you-tube?

by  |  earlier

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could some-1 please tell me where i can buy a waterfall for my waterdragons like the ones off youtube, i have emailed the owner a few times but have had no reply. please if you no where to get one from let me know.

many thanks




  1. I'd say ask the person who made the youtube video where they got theirs. Log in and post a polite comment and be ready for the 10 year old hater wanna-bes who will ridicule your post. You might be surprised at how willing pet owners are to share secrets with those who share their passions.

    Hope you get what you want.

  2. Just recently made one for terrapins in a local pet shop. It's a fish tank power head discharging vertically behind a rock. Dead easy to create.

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