
Where can i buy adult magazines in manila?

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Where can i buy adult magazines in manila?




  1. Sure place to get adult magazines is from any sidewalk vendors along Recto and Avenida Rizal. You have to be discreet in asking them because it's illegal.

  2. Sadly they are more accessible these past years.

    Personally I think pornography poisons the mind. Jesus says it also poisons the soul:

    "But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart."

                                                            -Matthew 5:28

  3. book stores and magazine stands in the malls

  4. Few years ago, I have seen  them  in  Quiapo, Carriedo, Sta Cruz area..A lot of them  spread on the sidewalks.

    I'm not sure though, if it is still the case  nowadays. I hope not.

  5. bookstores, magazine stands, etc.. they're all around! they're not really banned, so even the biggest bookstores sell them.. :)

  6. just surf the internet and you will save a lot of money.

  7. Adult magazines are prohibited in the Philippines not only Manila ‘coz these things are against to our culture, religious leaders from different religions were strongly condemned about it.

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