
Where can i buy an electric bouncy castle blower from?

by  |  earlier

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i ahve looked on various websites such as toys r us, amazon, woolworths etc. its only a small bouncy castle and my blowers broke.




  1. HEY!

    do you still havr the box from the castle? cos if you've got the number, ring them up and as them if you can buy one off them cos yours is stuffed, even if you know the maker of the pump, find their number and ring them and sweet talk you way to getting one, I've done it before and it works! you probably can get one for cheap by doing it that way and even if you can't they might be able to suggest somewhere

    goodluck =]

  2. ok so i have to write something here so

    You could try an electric bouncy castle blower shop

    lol only joking i have not got a clue sorry.

  3. Have you looked on eBay ?

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