
Where can i buy betta fish?

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i know that you can get them from pet stores.

but i heard that isnt the best place to get them.

so is there a website or anything?





  1. I don't recommend you to get it from the web site, they are not the best place to get them but the worst place to get them because

    1. You don't know how they care for their betta, maybe never fed them since they were born.

    2. It cost shipping fee and shipping is not healthy for your betta, might end up dead.

    3. You do not get to choose, they might get you the worst one if you purchase online.

    I know some petstore put them in a bowl fill with blue liquid and have the cap closed. Thus, you should look for one that are kept healthier. Petstore betta are mostly half dead, you should buy one from the street where people sell them as a part of their business.

    If you live in New york City, you can buy in a flushing, Queen. I saw people kept them in a plastic tank and they swim happily. Its on "Main street and Roosevelt Ave" crossing corner, i pass there everyday.

  2. you can buy a betta fish from breeder .


  4. Dolphin Pet Village, family owned businesses, or non-chains


    Dolphin Pet Village is an amazing place to buy fish they know everything about them. However, I bought from PETCO and my fish died within a couple of days. They do not know anything! Buying fish from pet stores is OK as long as they know what there talking about. Family owned businesses or non-chains are probably best.

  5. You honestly should just get one from a pet store.  Wait until you find the very one you want tho, don't just go & get one for the sake of getting one.  Wait for the rite one.  The MOST IMPORTANT thing tho is the water you use for your fish.  I learned from someone on Y. Ans. who knew EVERYTHING about Bettas & actually raised them by the hundreds.  He even emailed me on how to raise them.  I was buying them & loosing them w/in a wk. until this man told me exactly what to put in the water.  I haven't lost one since.  Get a gallon milk jug (I use) put in a heaping 1/4 tsp. of sea or acqualium salt per gal.  Get a small bottle of Methyleen Blue & use two drops per gal.  Mix it well, put a cap on it, & the first time you put the Betta in the bowl w/this water, make sure it's sat for 24 hrs.  prior to putting the fish in the bowl.  I  always have a gal. mixed up & ready to use for all the water changes.  W/o the Methyleen blue, guaranteed, your fish w/get "cotton disease".  Once you notice it on your fish around the head area, I've never been able to save the fish.  Believe me, I've tried.  They also need just a tad bit of salt in the water too.  If you use this method, your fish w/be fine & healthy.  This man was one of my "friends", had the highest best ans. rating, but he hasn't posted in over a yr. now nor has he returned my emails, so unfortunately I have a feeling something happened to him.  He was a dear man from the south, & knew EVERYTHING about Bettas.  So I'll pass on this best advice he helped me with.  He raised & sold his Bettas for $25 per fish!!!  Some of them were undescribly beautiful.  Look at the new "crowntail" breeds.  They are just beautiful.  Best of luck to you, but I feel you'll do best just to buy local instead of shipping.  You also can buy Bettas on eBay!!!  Good luck...:)

  6. Well, there is 1 sight I recommend, luvmybettas!

    If you don't like the bettas there, you can lok at for some good deals.=)

  7. There are websites but I really wouldn't recommend it. I mean what if you had to be shipped through the mail, yeah, not too fun ;)

    I like to buy mine from the petstore. (petco, petsmart) It makes me feel good because you know they are getting a better, happier home. There is no way that they can be happy in those tiny cups. (:

    Good Luck.

  8. Try

    You can find every betta under the sun, halfmoons, plakats, crowntails, doubetails, and halfmoon plakats. There are usually several species of wild bettas (non betta splendens, such as Betta simplex) up for sale.

    Many of the best breeders are actually located in Thailand. But transshipping bettas to the U.S. is very easy, I've done it several times! These fish are stunning, genetically fantastic for breeding, and more robust than anything you'd find in the U.S.

    Below is a link to the website, and a how-to on importing bettas. If you do get bettas shipped, ALWAYS choose express or overnight mail service. All reputable sellers have a live arrival guarantee if you ship express. So in the rare case a fish does arrive dead, they will replace it. But these people are professionals, and shipping fish is very easy (I'd know, I've done it).

    I also recommend luvmybetta (Jennifer Viveiros). She is a breeder, and transshipper. She is wonderful to deal with! Best of the U.S. fish transshippers. I actually have fish on the shipment she is getting tomorrow from Thailand!

    Also, don't listen to the silly people here that are go "ZOMG! j00 can't ship fish!!!1 theys die!1!" They are very wrong indeed. They have no experience, and should do some research before giving advise.

  9. i recommend petsmart. If you lived in nashville tennessee there is a place called aquatic critter. BEST PLACE EVER

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