
Where can i buy cheap snow goggles?

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im going for the first time, and im not gonna do it all the time, where can i buy good snow goggles in cali?




  1. like sports authority big 5 any sporting goods store

  2. if there's a TJ max near you go there..i've found goggles for 15-20 bucks

  3. you don't really need goggles if you won't go a lot. trustt me

  4. Big 5 sporting goods, Sports Authority, and/or Sports Chalet.

  5. I'm not sure, but you may want to make sure they're good goggles, even if you only use them a few times. Make sure they don't fog up in the inside. See if they're scratch resistant, although none are completely scratch proof. And try them on for comfort. It's not just for looks and convenience, but also for safety so make sure they're good!

  6. You should be able to rent some either at the mountain or at a sports rental shop where you live.  They have pretty good quality goggles and then you don't have to lay out the purchase price on them.

    If you do buy them you can get cheapies at any big box chain sports store.  I wouldn't do that though because they're probably cheap for a reason and you'll hate them.

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