
Where can i buy cheap vegetarian fake meat?

by  |  earlier

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I want to become a vegetarian, but im on a budget, and unless i find cheap fake meat products, im stuck with peanut butter and jellies and bean burritos. any help? please?




  1. You can buy them from

    Hope this helps

    Good luck!

  2. Buy some veggies - I use a lot of frozen veggies.  Frozen chopped pepper mixes, onions, carrots, corn etc.  I find them to be cheaper and easier to keep on hand than fresh stuff that tends to go bad rather quickly for me.

    You really don't want to eat a lot of "fake meat" or "fake cheese".  They are not only full of FAT but full of isolated/concentrated soy protein - something you definitely want to stay away from.

    Good luck!

  3. Boco is a good brand that you can get at the grocery store and is no more expensive than the real stuff.

  4. There's a small section in the produce area of the grocery store that sells soy "sausage", "chicken patties" and "bacon".  I think the name is Smart Choice or something.  They taste decent, but you don't get a lot for your money.  You may consider looking into making your own stuff.  It may be cheaper in the long run.  Good Luck.

  5. Get Morning Star fake meat! It's really good and I can't tell the dfference! They have it at practically every grocery store in the freezer section. Morning Star makes everything!

  6. the cheapest i can think of is the grocery store.

  7. Oh my! Darling, you need not be stuck with pb&j and bean burritos! (although, they are both yummy!) There are tons of easy recipes online that don't even require fake meat. Get yourself Googling vegetarian recipes and see all the good stuff you can come up with.

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