
Where can i buy colloidal silver here in the phils?

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i read lots of good testimonial regarding this product and my mother wants to try it...there's no colloidal s. in mercury drugstore..




  1. I disagree with mnvikes, believe his argument is somewhat flawed, and think he should stop trolling.

    If you want to get CS you have a few options.

    A) make it yourself

    B) buy it online

    C) track down a vendor in the phillipines.  

    Since I have no idea how to do the last one, you're probably best off with the first two.

    If you want to buy it online, google can help you.

    However, one of the reasons colloidal silver is so popular is because people can make it at home.  All you really need is access to some rods of silver and basic electrical equipment.

    I think buying CS online is better than making it yourself, but I know people who have had success with both.

    Hope that helps!

    For what it's worth, one of my parent's friends owns a clinic that tests alternative remedies, and they've found colloidal silver is one of the few that consistently works very well to kill microbes.

  2. heres some testimonial from me: its dangerous and it can cause more problems than is solves. your local drug stores doesnt sell it because they dont want to get sued.

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