
Where can i buy color contacts at a store??????????????

by  |  earlier

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like target...? or meijers??? idk




  1. You have to have an rx to purchase any contacts and mostly stores do not carry any boxes in stock, but like evryone else says Wal- Mart may be your best bet.

  2. There are stores such as Wal-Mart that offer contact lenses. However, I would suggest looking on line first and doing some competitive shopping. You may find that it is cheaper to buy the same contact lenses sold at a store from an on line retailer.

    If you are not familiar with colored contact lenses then I would also suggest familiarizing yourself with the different types and brands out there. You can find information on colored contacts at the following link.

    You can also use the interactive eye color tool box found at the following links to get an indication how certain lenses and colors look.

    I hope this posting helps you find what you are looking for.

  3. i dont think walmart or target have them! i had to drive like 45 minutes away to a store called 7mile that carried them for $20(nonprescription)

  4. You won't find them in any of the major stores because it is illegal to sell contacts unless they are a licenced eyecare provider.

    Some out of the way variety stores  get some junk lenses from overseas and sell them, but of course they know nothing about your eyes, and care even less. And it is illegal.

    Contacts are a medical device that can cause quite severe damage to your corneas if they aren't fitted right for you. They aren't a one size fits all.

  5. walmart and target have them im sure they are like 10 bucks =]]

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