
Where can i buy either an anvil or steel rail from a railroad?

by  |  earlier

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actually i need both...anyone know where i can get a small anvil and a foot long or longer piece of railing from a railroad?




  1. I used to work for a railroad, and I bet this would be surprisingly easy. I would go to a local rail yard and go to the control tower. Then I would just start telling  people your an artist and need these pieces for something your creating. Its incredible how much junk is just laying around in a rail yard. If someone is mean to you and tells you to get out just go to a different yard, but I think you will find a bunch of old guys that are very nice and helpful.

  2. Rail makes a dandy anvil.  Call a railway supply house, you can probably buy a bit of rail.  They probably have broken rails that they can cut a piece off of.  However two things: Rails are hard to cut, so they may want money for their time.  And they weigh a lot and steel prices are at an all-time high.  Newly rolled steel rail goes for nearly $1000 a ton, or 50 cents a pound.  

    A foot of rail will weight 30-45 pounds.

  3. Anvils you are more likely to find at a farm sale or antique store, the old time blacksmith anvils are very sought after, espceially the larger sizes.

    There are always peices of rail in railroad scrap piles, a roadmaster would be able to get you one, call the railroad nearest you and ask to speak to a roadmaster.

    He may not want to for someone he doesnt know but all you can do is ask.

  4. Call a scrap metal dealer.

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