
Where can i buy glycerin, curd, and tumeric power?

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  1. You can buy all of these products at your local Indian grocery store.

    Glycerin:  usually Indian soap like Pears, very good for your skin esp for sensitive skin and babies.

    Curds:  the Indian word for yogurt, you can now buy Indian yogurt (Indian cultures) at any Indian grocery store.

    Turmeric is an Indian spice, it's very yellow and known as "haldi" in India.  It's also an antiseptic.

  2. Glycerin - Check at a drugstore. That's where I get it. It helps make bubble stuff stronger when you make homemade blow bubbles.

    Tumeric - Grocery store. Just check the spices. They are usually in alpha order.

    Curd - Do you have more info on what kind of curds you need?

  3. tumeric powder is a bright yellow powdered spice usually used in indian cooking.  you can find it in the spices aisle of the regular supermarket.  

    curd?  curd of what?  is it in a recipe?  if it is they might mean tofu.  tofu is bean curd.  you can buy it in the regular grocery store either on the international foods aisle (they have shelf stable packages sorta like "parmalat") or in the produce/vegetarian foods section of the supermarket.

    glycerin is usually used in soaps.  don't know where you can buy it.  maybe they mean oil if its in a recipe?  if that makes sense i would use a vegetable oil.  you can buy this in the regular supermarket.

  4. Check here:

    You will find what you like!

    Good luck!

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