
Where can i buy like 5lbs of dry ice? i would like to use it to give a misty look at a party I'm having help!!

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Where can i buy like 5lbs of dry ice? i would like to use it to give a misty look at a party I'm having help!!




  1. you can get it at your local grocery store... they normally sell it right outside of walmart too

  2. The only place you can get it where I live is Kroger:]

  3. Some of the supermarkets have it  but only in the super hot months. Look up ice in the yellow pages.

  4. We got ours from a grocery store. I think they have it at Wal Mart.

    For the party we put ours in a couple different coolers around the room, and put them behind things like tables sp it wasnt very noticeable.

    It helps to have a fan on low to move it around more.

  5. To start off, look in the phone book. A lot of just regular ice companies have it and some grocery stores as well. Where I live several fishing tackle/bait shops stock it for people to use to pack fish back home.

  6. the store

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