
Where can i buy new disk plow blades from?

by  |  earlier

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I am looking to make some cooking woks out of them.I would like new disk blades but if theres a way i could buy good used disk thats fine.




  1. You can get a new one from Tractor Supply how much will be determined buy the size. I have 2 or 3 here that the center broke out of. I will weld a plate in the center to make a campfire wok. If you have any farm land around you may would check with a farmer for one that has been replaced.

    If you have any tractor dealers around that repair they may have some. I bought an old tractor tire ring to use at the deer camp about 48" across to build camp fires in. I hope these ideas help.

    One more thing a old one will probably work better than a new one they are slick and smooth on the inside from plowing.

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