
Where can i buy non iodized sea salt in new york/bronx?

by  |  earlier

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anyone know where???? i need it for my plugs =D




  1. I believe the object of using  sea salt is that it naturally contains iodine!! it also contains a whole host of other minerals naturally occurring in the body!! The only reason why you would not want to injest iodine is if you are sensitive to it!! Iodine is VITAL for a good thyroid -since the thyroid is mostly iodine - with all the health benefits of that organ!! iodine as well as most necessary minerals are so depleted in our farm soils and therefore in our food that supplementation is necessary!! Good luck!!!!!!!

  2. Morton makes Kosher course salt that is non-iodized. This should work the same I would think. It's in every grocery store next to the salt. In a big dark blue box.

  3. Check here,

    You will find what you like!

    Good luck!

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