
Where can i buy offroad/red diesel in md/dc area?

by Guest64662  |  earlier

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Where can i buy offroad/red diesel in md/dc area?




  1. You can't buy it in DC, although you can get it at some farm supply stores in rural Maryland.  I've seen it on the eastern shore and in the New Market area.  

    The problem is that the government watches the sales records of these stores pretty closely, to make sure they are not selling untaxed fuel improperly.  Because the fuel is untaxed, it's much cheaper than regular diesel, and a lot of people who are not farmers are trying to buy it.   Therefore, a lot of the feed stores that sell off-road diesel are refusing to sell to anyone who is out of the area or whom they don't know.  They know they'll get into huge fines if they are caught selling to someone who is going to use it in a regular truck or a car.

    I know this is not what you wanted to hear, but I hope it helps.

    Good luck!!

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