
Where can i buy over the counter stress pills or even?

by Guest21261  |  earlier

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muscle relaxers man my body aches, im so stressed can someone help or even some tea that relaxes me....please help




  1. you can get them at local herbal stores or vitamin shoppes like GNC and The vitamine shoppe but be careful what you buy.  Most of these things have side effects.  So be careful in choosing the right product.  Also there is a new product on the us market called biophoton clothing.  It's all natural, made out of herbs and has no sideffects.  here's the lnik if you wanted to check it out.

    Also it's good for 3 years and you don't have to swallow it.

  2. Most any drug store or health food store should have stress-relief products that they sell, whether they be natural or synthetic drugs.

    Some of the most popular natural products for stress are GABA, L-Theanine, Rhodiola Rosea, 5-HTP, and L-Tryptophan. You can also get a lot of benefits by reducing or eliminating Caffeine and sugar, but that's a different story. Good luck!

  3. Try a product called "Theanine Serene" by Source Naturals.

    It has theanine, holy basil, relora, gaba. taurine, magnesium and calcium.

    You might want to take some extra magnesium. "Natural Calm" is a good product it is a powdered magnesium drink that you add to water like a tea and drink. It tastes really good and is good for the muscles.

    You can purchase from off the internet or just about any healthfood store.

  4. valerian tea or valerian capsules, they have them at natural foods/ health food stores.

    "Valerian is used against sleeping disorders, restlessness and anxiety, and as a muscle relaxant."

  5. I dont know if you are from the uk, but Boots the Chemist do a pack of Calms which are harmless if taken sensibly.

    Tea with camomile is said to have relaxing qualities as is the incense of Lavender.

    Lavender joss sticks, lavender oil lightly dabbed on the pillow or lavender scented candles.

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