
Where can i buy parts for a c&c cage for guinea pigs (and advice on bedding)?

by  |  earlier

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It needs to be somewhere in the uk, i dont mind if its online.

also, what sort of bedding should i use? the piggies i **plan** on moving into the cage are used to sawdust and hay, but i love the idea of fleeces and towels!! (if its a yes for the fleeces and towels, how can i pursuade my mum to let me use them instead of sawdust??)

and any other advice on c&c cage is reeeaaaaaaally welcome!

I also need more pursuading to let my mum let me have a c&c cage. shes nearly there, but i need a few more amazing reasons why i should keep all 5 piggies inside!

(as i type this, the guineas are upstairs getting used to the sounds of the house, and having a bit of floor time whilst nibbling grass, cucumber and sweetcorn!)




  1. I don't know about the cages, If you have petsmart they have a website, and you can by stuff from them online or in the store. I'm from canada, so i don't know if you have petsmart, but the link is at the bottom. but you should only use Aspen wood shavings. All the other shavings have fumes that are harmful to your Guinea pig. You probably shouldn't use dust, they can and will inhale it, this is not good. I have heard carefresh is good, but it is manmade so i think it may have chemicals. Do NOT buy a bedding called Fluff, it is made of cotton and your hamster can get tangled in it, it also has lots of chemicals. So your G. pig can make a soft bed, you can through some unscented toliet paper in their cage. Hope this was helpful!

  2. this website is one of the best places to get guinea pig information.

    try a place similar to target. If you sign up for the forum, you can ask. I know there are people on the site that live in the uk.

    for bedding, you can use carefresh or fleece. I used fleece and matress pads. They are lighter than towels.

  3. use carefreh ultra its really good for them.

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